Is the Tableau essential?
The tableau has been in use in Italy for about ten years, approximately.
Curiosity and attractiveness at the beginning, then became fundamental over the years.
In fact, in table service, where a good allocation of seats is essential for a successful lunch, the tableau is an irreplaceable element to avoid confusion at the last moment.
We already know that the guest list is often a source of stress. Relatives, friends, colleagues, happily coupled or separated: new relationships, old frictions. It is today's society, enlarged, beautiful because it varies, but it is hard work guys to arrange them all.
Guests often confirm at the last moment
Keep jolly places for friends who can sit anywhere
Check the layout of the tables in the room
Choose nice theme to make the tableau: es. the name of the flowers, movies, celebrities, months of the year etc.
the tableau should be placed at the entrance of the room where lunch or dinner will take place
Must be written in a visible way and is illuminated
Should be as clear as possible: imagination at the service of functionality.